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The easiest cloud migration strategy: Good tools


Luke Houghton


Jun 13, 2023


Cloud Basics

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The easiest cloud migration strategy: Good tools

Digital transformation can look daunting. But with the right tools under your belt, locking down your cloud migration strategy is easier than ever. Here are the best cloud migration tools.


  • 1. What kind of migration tools do I need?

  • 2. Migration tools for strollers

  • 3. Migration tools for sprinters

  • 4. Assessing your digital transformation

  • 5. Learn from the cloud migration pioneers

  • 1. What kind of migration tools do I need?
  • 2. Migration tools for strollers
  • 3. Migration tools for sprinters
  • 4. Assessing your digital transformation
  • 5. Learn from the cloud migration pioneers

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So after hours of umming and ahhing and thumb twiddling you’ve finally come round to the cloud. Now you need a migration strategy.

But where to start?

Migrating to the cloud can be a long and arduous journey. Identifying the perfect software tools for your migration is like searching for a needle in the never-ending vortex of cyberspace.

We’re here to help guide you to that needle, and your destination: the cloud.

What kind of migration tools do I need?

There are two types of companies out there when it comes to cloud migration - the sprinters and the strollers. The sprinters want to get their company into the cloud ASAP and by any means necessary, whereas the laid-back strollers prefer to take it easy, moving one process to the cloud at a time. 

Luckily, there are cloud migration software options for whichever persona your company identifies with. 

Migration tools for strollers

If you prefer to dip your toes in before jumping headfirst into the cloud, the following cheap or free software tools can help your company automate tasks, manage data and track progress without having to commit a lot of money upfront:

  • Lumin: a collaborative PDF editor that bridges the gap between manual paperwork and cloud-based work. This is the easiest way to start moving your admin work and documentation to the cloud.
  • Google Workspace: tools such as Docs, Drive and Sheets can replace your clunky desktop apps and enable easy sharing. We know how much you loved Microsoft Office but it isn’t cloud-native, and those OneDrive updates are a nightmare. It’s time to rip the bandaid off and move on. 
  • Slack: an instant messaging app that makes email look ancient. Circle back and touch base with anyone in your company - instantly.
  • Template Discovery: yes, boring old paperwork can be made modern, too. You’ve been printing copies and filing them for decades. It’s a tradition. But some traditions aren’t meant to last for ever. Template Discovery is a library of commonly-used forms and templates categorized by industry and task, so your admin staff can shuffle their papers a bit faster.

Migration tools for sprinters

For the sprinters who want to launch their companies into the stratosphere at lightning speed, major cloud platforms usually have dedicated teams for helping businesses migrate.

  • AWS Migration Hub: Amazon Web Services is one of the original cloud service providers. They've helped thousands of people migrate to the cloud, so they have the resources and know-how to get you there ASAP.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): You're likely already familiar with Google's tools, so it's an easy cloud platform to pick up. It also sets global standards for security. You can also use Google's Transfer Appliance, a storage device to help you move your local data to the cloud securely.

Assessing your digital transformation

It can be hard to figure out if your company has nailed its cloud migration strategy. Here are some of the signs that you’ve got it right:

  • your data and docs can be accessed from anywhere.
  • collaboration is a breeze, no matter where your employees are.
  • scalability and flexibility are maximized, so you can easily adjust resources to match demand.
  • you’re saving money and using resources efficiently.
  • your data is well-protected with world-class compliance certifications.
  • you can quickly adopt new tech and adapt to changes.

If your business isn't meeting any of the above criteria, it might be a good idea to evaluate your cloud migration strategy and consider updating some of your systems.

Learn from the cloud migration pioneers

You can learn a lot from companies that have already migrated to the cloud.

Netflix, Apple, Amazon. Remember when these companies delivered DVDs, iPods and books? 

These companies launched themselves into the cloud and never came down, pivoting themselves to be entirely cloud-based and the products and services you use today. 

While you don’t need to change your product or service, moving your processes to the cloud can enable you to scale like never before. Take a note from the giants’ books and harness the power of the cloud to propel your growth to new heights.

The sky’s the limit.

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